Reflecting on the growing season mirrors the cycle of our mission. Quiet Creek Herb Farm & School of Country Living is dedicated to increase public understanding of the importance for conservation, ecological thinking and healthful living.
In 2008 thousands of people interacted with us. Pre-schoolers to high school students with their teachers and parents gathered information throughout the school year feeding their minds and imaginations. Six weeks of summer camps for kids and for teachers provided opportunities on environmental stewardship. Worm composting and recycling projects at Farmer’s Inn Restaurant, Jefferson County Vocational School, Hickory Grove Elementary School and Quiet Creek kept tons of biodegradable waste from filling the landfill. Community seminars on Healthy Farms Healthy Schools, Keep It Clean the Natural Way, cheese making, earthen oven building, square dancing, and organic gardening inspired hundreds.
We find students of all ages are open to learning traditional and sustainable concepts. Their lush green excitement has transformed into life changing endeavors. They have a chance to rid their media-silted and industrial-salted minds of the corroded culture. An evening, a day and/or a week immersed in Quiet Creek’s mission provides refreshment, not only in healthy local food, but also sound ecological thinking and conservation skills.
As Quiet Creek’s stewards, we gratefully share our time and knowledge openly with any one. Blessed to enjoy God’s resources of renewable energy, abundant water, fertile soil, green construction, and collaborative partnerships; we feel passionately compelled to sustain this cycle.
We carry on because of folks like you. Your words of encouragement, your tax-deductible contributions, your hours of volunteering, and your genuine interest, all these gifts support Quiet Creek’s mission. Thank you for another wonderful Quiet Creek year. Happy Thanksgiving!