Secondly, if you want a no-fuss-early-planting bed next spring, choose a piece of lawn or field now. Mow your future food plot as short as you can, leaving the grass clippings lay. Next you will need to cover with a layer of newspaper (4 to 5 sheets thick) or better yet use large chunks of cardboard. It’s best not to use any glossy colored paper in the garden; it may contain heavy metals in the ink.
Next put six inches to a foot of leaves, manure, straw, wood chips and/or compost on top of the smothering layer to hold it down. This will decompose into great soil. By doing this in the fall, the grass and roots will die leaving organic material to attract earthworms that will slowly digest the mulch material above.
By the first of June, this area should be primo to plant watermelon, squash or most any other garden vegetable. Simply dig a hole and pop it in. No need to plow, roto-till or double dig. Another layer of mulch can be added if weeds threaten the area.
Your spring chore list will be reduced and your soil food web will be actively building by the worms and their friends.